Monday, August 31, 2015

No Escape - Movie Review

I watched this in Regal Atlas Park Stadium 8 yesterday.

Lots of action, some comedy,  and drama.

Go see it!!!

There's a part that actor Pierce Brosnan said. (Don't quote me on this though.) It goes something like this: They are the reason why certain nation is at war. Due to lies and deceit of Big Corporations taking advantage of these poor nations with Rich Natural Resources. They give em' Big Loans with Ridiculous Interests rates that's Impossible to pay back that would keep them EnSlaved.


3/5 Stars

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Differentology by Bunji Garlin

We Ready, We Ready

I heard this track in Santos Party House in NYC down in the Basement Caribbean Floor...

Dope Music & Music Video!!!

Kadeers!!! Kadeers.Com