Monday, April 20, 2020

1917 - Movie Review

Dope Cinematography.
I enjoyed this movie.
A must watch in 2020.
Now, that's a true soldier.
Someone, that can carry out the mission and execute.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
What an adventure.

4/5 Stars 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

31 - Movie Review

If you want to see Gores and Titties, this is It.
I mean, it's Tolerable to watch on a boring day.
Honestly, it's a bit too much for me.
A lot of dumb decisions made by the victims.
But then again, we'll probably make critical errors when we're being hunted by serial killers.
Directed by Rob Zombie.

3 Stars - Prime Video - Shudder

The Last Man on Earth (1964) - Movie Review

You know, I'm a Post Apocalyptic Movie Fanatic.
This Movie Reminds me of: I am Legend with Will Smith.
Played by Vincent Price an Actor who's in the Movie: The Ten Commandments (1956).
There's a Plague/Pandemic that took place in this movie (Sort of like, Covid-19 of Today).
One of the symptoms are blindness and allergic to garlic.
The movie is a bit Confusing since I don't know if it's about Zombies or Vampires.
But nevertheless, it's a Good Classic Film.
Here's the actual movie posted, Enjoy!!!

3 Stars - YouTube

Armed Response - Movie Review

Hot Garbage.
What's this about? Nothing.
Don't Waste Your Time.

1/5 Stars - Prime Video